Stonewall Dems warn against Patrick

The Stonewall Democrats of Dallas are very disturbed to learn via, Dallas Voice, that the founder of Andrews Distributing, Barry Andrews, is hosting a fundraiser for Dan Patrick, the Republican nominee for Texas lieutenant governor.

Mike McGuire, president of Andrews, explained that Barry Andrews’ support of Patrick had to do with liquor industry issues — which are business issues — and not with social issues, a position that we can understand. Unfortunately, Mr. Patrick’s stated social positions and his outright hostility toward the LGBT community cannot be extricated from his economic positions.

And that, in our opinion, makes him a very dangerous and risky candidate for the LGBT community.

Dan Patrick has even gone so far as to sign onto an amicus brief asking the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold Texas’ unconstitutional ban on marriage equality. He is no friend to our community.

Dan Patrick is a far-right-wing social conservative who believes that government should be theocratic in nature. The voters of Texas need to be informed and made aware of this so that they can make an informed and rational choice at the ballot box in November. The office of lieutenant governor is a far too important and powerful position in state government and the legislative process for us to remain silent.

It is the position of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas that Leticia Van de Putte, the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor, has a much more progressive and enlightened position on social issues in general and the LGBT community in particular, and we believe she is far and away the superior candidate for this important office and more importantly, for the LGBT community at large.

Jay Narey, president
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 12, 2014.