Lauren Sanderson

Sue Ellen’s, 3014 Throckmorton St., presents a performance by Lauren Sanderson on Sunday, June 23, starting at 8 p.m.

Sanderson, currently touring to promote her newest release, jumpstarted her career in music with a Ted Talk at the age of 18. She started out making music in her closet, documenting every step of her process and in the process cultivating a diehard following before even moving to Los Angeles at the age of 18.

These days, Sanderson can add “200 million streams and counting” to her resumé, along with songwriter credit for JOJI’s Smithereens, three albums, a hugely successful collab with GFLIP called “Gay 4 Me,” a successful tour in the U.S. and the EU/UK and more — including her current tour promoting They Won’t Like This, her fourth album.

Sanderson kicks off the They Won’t Like This Tour Thursday, June 13, at Doc Marie’s in Portland, Ore., before winding her way to Pearl Bar in Houston on June 20, Women’s Pride Friday in Denver on June 21 and Houston’s New Faces of Pride Festival on June 22 before hitting Sue Ellen’s on June 23.

The tour includes three more dates — Atlanta, Nashville and San Diego —  before winding up at The Dinah weekend in Palm Springs on Sept. 28.

Find out more about Sanderson and check out her merch on her website. Watch the videos for  Wet below and check out her YouTube channel for others. including the single for They Won’t Like This.