Yawn. It’s not only offensive, at this point it’s just tiring to hear this gasbag find different ways to say the same damn thing — that LGBTs are defective, perverted and otherwise destroying society.

This is from EWTN News:

As efforts to legalize same-sex “marriage” proceed in the United States and countries around the world, Pope Benedict issued strong remarks on Jan. 14, saying that gay “marriage” perverts the “essence and goal of the family.”

Addressing officials from the city of Rome and the Italian region of Lazio, Pope Benedict said that legislation and policies that promote same-sex unions end up “penalizing” heterosexual couples, “who, not without effort, seek to maintain stable emotional ties which are juridically guaranteed and publicly recognized.”

“To this end,” he stressed, “the various components of society must agree on the objectives of education, in order for human love not to be reduced to an article of consumption, but to be seen and lived as a fundamental experience which gives existence meaning and a goal.”

FUN FACT: The conservative Catholic-bent EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) studio and HQ, ironically, is located not far from where Kate’s mom and dad used to live in Birmingham, AL. It was founded by Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, who suffered a stroke several years ago, but is alive and well in perpetual repeats on the channel of her “Mother Angelica Live” program. Here (2000) she advises a caller on how to avoid purgatory.

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