“It was a wonderful journey that came to an end, and to a new beginning on Saturday.”

The Rev. Jo Hudson, rector and senior pastor at Cathedral of Hope, on a vote by the North Texas Association of the United Church of Christ to affirm the Cathedral’s affiliation with the denomination

“I thought it was appalling. I can’t think of anyway else to look at it.”

Susan McKay about her reaction to an editorial cartoon depicting same-sex marriage that ran in The Wylie News

“I don’t know what it’s like to get news that you are positive, but when I sat in my car it felt like someone gave me really bad news where there is nothing wrong with me.”

Ethan Ly about being denied lasik eye surgery after he acknowledged having sex with someone who was HIV-positive

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, November 3, 2006. siteкопирайтер цена