By Gilbert Garcia Pop Music Critic

CHECK OUT MY ORGAN: With a catalog that promises to make listeners uncomfortable, Patrick Boothe performs Friday at Crossroads Market.

With two self-produced LP’s under his belt, queer Dallas musician Patrick Boothe is on the fast track to recognition. On his newest album, “Finally the View Has Changed,” the up-and-coming industrial dynamo uses his voice, lyrics and Casio synthesizer as weapons against social injustice taking on anti-gay bigots like Jimmy Swaggart. The song “Kill Him and Tell Him God Died,” is actually a quote from the televangelist what he would do if a gay guy tried to hit on him.
As Boothe prepares for his debut performance at Crossroads Market on Friday, he shared some thoughts with us.

Dallas Voice: If a record store was organized by like-sounding music, what two artists might your album be placed beside?
PB: First, Tori Amos. She’s been an inspiration since I was a kid. And second, I think Nine Inch Nails, because I make electronic music that’s not really “dance” music. I represent the freaks and geeks more than the ravers.

It’s the first week of 2006, and you’re playing your first solo gig. Where do hope to be in January 2007?
Recording my next album. I’ve already been planning it. Until then, I’m spreading the word on this one.

You write songs that are confrontational, even angry. Are you a drama queen?
People have said that it’s good that I chose music over suicide, which is great, but also scary to hear. I do use music to exorcise demons, but I’m not an eternally sad person. My first record was even more angry and tense than this one. But as I’ve moved on, I see more beauty in the way things are.

Let’s say you were planning a Sinead O’Connor-like protest stunt by ripping up a photo on live television. Whose picture would you hold up?
Well Sinead tore up Pope John Paul II. And now we have that new knucklehead, Benedict. His picture hasn’t been publicly ripped up yet.

Have you ever tried to seduce a guy by singing to him?
Never! And I’ve never written a full-on love song. I prefer making people uncomfortable.

Name three predictions for 2006?
1) Mariah Carey will go back to being the fabulously crazy hoochie we all love.
2) The world will fall in love with [Frou Frou vocalist] Imogen Heap.
3) The movie version of Del Shores’ play “Southern Baptist Sissies” will win a whole bunch of awards.

Patrick Boothe performs at Crossroads Market Bookstore and Cafe, 3920 Cedar Springs Road. Jan 6 at 8 p.m. Free. 214-521-8919. реклама в социальных сетяхпроверить тиц и пиар