Despite the governor’s order that public performance venues are allowed to open this week, most theater companies cannot return to live performances just yet, for reasons such as Actors Equity rules and the safety of cast, crew and patrons. But Kitchen Dog Theater is still opening its annual New Works Festival this weekend… online, and free.

Stages readings of new plays are typically far less “produced” than full-on productions, which makes the virtual readings of six plays for this year’s festival a pretty good fit. The readings will take place on three weekend nights (two Fridays and a Saturday at 7 p.m.) and three consecutive Sunday matinees (2 p.m.) June 12–28. All performances will be conducted via Zoom for free, though reservations are required. To sign up, or to learn more about the plays, visit here.

Meanwhile, the new filmed-theater production of Undermain’s Savage Seconds (which I wrote about here), originally set to end at midnight tonight, has been extended, and will be available until midnight Friday. (If you buy your tickets by Friday, you still get 48 hours to stream it.) You can purchase a ticket here.