HRC is proud to join SLDN and other “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal advocates on Friday as we call upon the Senate and the President to remain in session and in Washington until the National Defense Authorization Act is passed – which includes the repeal of DADT. The Senate is scheduled to break for holiday vacation; we can’t let them leave. 

If you support repeal, please join us outside the Senate this Friday. As Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said, ‘If not now, when?’

While the clock is ticking for action on repeal of DADT this year, time remains for the Senate to act. The U.S. Senate owes it to the military to bring up and pass the National Defense Authorization Act along with repeal before year’s end.  Let’s take a stand. Let’s demand that senators not go home until their work is done.

WHEN: Friday, December 10th at 12 p.m.

WHERE: Constitution Ave. & Delaware Ave. at Upper Senate Park (Near U.S. Capitol), Washington, DC
Closest Metro: Union Station (Red Line). Nearby: Capitol South (Blue/Orange), Judiciary Square (Red).
Click here for a map.

Can’t join us at the rally? Take action by calling your senators and spread the word to your friends!

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