IndianaIndiana is set to sanction discrimination. The House and Senate bill just need to be reconciled and the governor promised to sign discrimination into law.
The so-called religious freedom bill protects people who want to use their religious beliefs as a valid excuse for not providing services to gays and lesbians.
According to the Indianapolis Star, the law “would protect people and business owners with strong religious beliefs from government intrusion.” Opponents call it a license to discriminate.
LGBT groups are encouraging people not to spend any money in Indiana and urging conferences scheduled to take place in the state to cancel.
Republican lawmakers pushing the bill said it protects businesses, but some of the state’s largest businesses said the law makes it harder for them to recruit and retain the best employees. Already organizers of GenCon, one of the country’s largest conventions for gamers, have said they will be moving their event out of Indiana because of the new law. And the Christian Church Disciples of Christ s reconsidering holding its 2017 national convention in Indiana.