Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern

Last week we told you about Republican Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern’s latest anti-gay rant, in which she repeated her infamous three-year-old claim that homosexuality is a bigger threat to the U.S. than terrorism (listen to the audio below).

In response to Kern’s rant, the Human Rights Campaign is asking people to send emails to Oklahoma legislative leaders calling on them to denounce Kern’s statements. So far, the campaign has generated more than 200,000 emails, according to HRC. However, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin and House Speaker Kris Steele — both also Republicans, naturally — have remained silent.

“The silence of Governor Fallin and Oklahoma’s legislative leadership is deafening, particularly given the number of people we now see calling on them to speak out,” HRC President Joe Solmonese said in a press release today. “Enough is enough. Sally Kern has a long track record of outrageously slandering LGBT Americans, ethnic and religious groups, and women. It’s time for Oklahoma’s leaders to stand up to her bigotry and hold her accountable for her remarks.”

Don’t hold your breath, Joe.