Sir Rah Pro hosts an interview with queer hip-hop artists every Tuesday. On the BlogTalkRadio‘s show Outing the Music Industry, they gave what looks like coincidental airtime to a couple of Texas artists. We don’t have a huge queer presence of hip-hop in Dallas, but Houston seems to be jumping with a scene as I’ve written a bit about before.

This month on OMI, the show featured H-Town duo The Qure who talk about their latest release The Virus. They gave us a sneak peek of it back in April, but the full album dropped on Monday this week. They don’t appear until about an hour in so if you’re just interested in the Texas stuff, skip ahead.

Rapper, activist, teacher and author Tim’m West was also featured on OMI this month. West, who came to Dallas last October, reflects on his career and being queer in the industry. The show features DaQuan and his first solo work in the first half and then West takes over the second.

Check it out.