Four HIV League Scholarships for $7,000 each are available for full-time undergraduate students. The application deadline is Jan. 31.

  • Applicants must be students living with HIV
  • Applicants must be either currently or going to be enrolled as a full-time student in an institution of higher education for at least two consecutive years
  • Applicants must have an unweighted GPA of 2.5
  • Applicants have the option to make their name public or not if they’re awarded a scholarship

The HIV League Scholarship is the only national scholarship specifically for students living with HIV, and it exists because there is great potential for any student living with HIV. The scholarship aims to build the leadership, knowledge and skills of its scholars, which is the truest form of investment in one’s future.
An HIV League Scholar is a promising student living with HIV as evidenced by their educational accomplishments, leadership and service.
The HIV League is based in New York, but students from across the U.S. are eligible to apply. To donate to the scholarship fund, click here. To apply for a scholarship, click here.

— David Taffet