It’s way more to fun to read about the outcomes of legislative battles for equality when we win. And, reading about Hawaii today was a lot better than reading it last July when then-Governor Linda Lingle vetoed the civil unions bill. Today’s Star Advertiser article has some great quotes today. One is from a gay citizen and the other comes from the Governor.

First, Tim Earhart:

The president of Dignity USA-Honolulu, who founded what he called the first “gay church” when he moved to Hawaii 41 years ago, was moved to tears at what he witnessed.

“I, with my own two eyes and ears, got to witness this historic moment when lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning people are now elevated to the status of ordinary citizens,” said Earhart, 64.

“We no longer have to apologize for loving one another.”

Then, Governor Neil Abercrombie, who campaigned on his commitment to sign the civil unions bill. He has until March 3 to apply his signature. And, there’s no doubt he’s on board:

In a written statement, Abercrombie said civil unions “respect our diversity, protect people’s privacy, and reinforce our core values of equality and aloha.”

“This has been an emotional process for everyone involved, but that process is now ended,” he added. “Everyone has been heard; all points of view respected.

“For me, this bill represents equal rights for all the people of Hawaii.”

John updated yesterday’s post on the Hawaii legislation with the video of the Senate taking its roll call vote on the civil unions bill. Here it is again:

H/T Igor Volsky for the video.