We’ve been a little left out lately here in Dallas with all the national attention going to Houston. But on Feb. 1, the lunatics at Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kans. will be coming to Dallas. Irwin Cotler, a member of the Canadian Parliament, will be speaking at a Jewish Federation women’s luncheon.
Cotler was the Canadian Justice Minister. In that position, he appointed two judges to the Canadian Supreme Court who voted for marriage equality. His appointments gave the Canadian Supreme Court the most gender parity of any high court in the world.
The Fred Phelps people were last in Texas for Annise Parker’s inauguration as mayor of Houston. Four members of their group showed up. Their little protest was countered by dozens of counter-demonstrators carrying signs referring to other Biblical bans such as “God Hates Shrimp.”racer mobile onlineseo консультант