Pick up a package of new socks and head on over to the Round-Up Saloon from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 13.
Lost Souls Rugby is holding a sock drive for Outlast Youth, an organization committed to the eduction and prevention of LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness in Dallas and its surrounding counties by 2020.
The No. 1 thing the homeless ask for (other than food or shelter) is clean, dry socks. Our youth are no exception. Especially when it’s rainy or cold, a new pair of socks helps keep them warm.
So buy a package or buy several or load up your car with as many pair as you’d like to donate. This past fall, North Dallas High School alone had 148 homeless students. Outlast Youth works with students from 40 DISD high schools, a number of junior highs and middle schools and some schools in surrounding school districts and counties. The need is huge and a lot of socks will fit on the dance floor of the Round-Up.

— David Taffet