In case you missed it, has been offering free downloads of posters like the one above for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Cool and colorful, just download these suckers and plaster them all over the place. The site pushes targeting conservatives (um … who else?) with these posters, but the bright whimsy keeps them from coming off as too militant. OK, here’s what they say:

You’ll see that we’ve aimed these posters at conservative audiences, and we’re making arguments that they would have a hard time disagreeing with. It’s all part of showing our conservative friends that we love them, too, and that legalizing gay marriage is something that’s in the interest of all of us, including them.  : )

According to the site, this is their first set of same-sex marriage posters. Can’t wait to see what’s in volume two. While you’re at it, if you’re into Rethinking Oil or Legalizing Marijuana, this is your stop as well.