I just received via e-mail the above photo taken by a resident of Gatesville, Texas (outside Waco), who says she’s deeply offended by the message that’s been on the town’s only billboard for the last few days. As you can see, the billboard is known in Gatesville as “The Sign.” The resident who e-mailed the photo, who asked not to identified for obvious reasons, said “The Sign” is owned by the same person who owns Miller’s Sno-Biz, the snow cone shop which can be seen below it in the photo. I tried calling the phone number on the sign, but there was no answer and it wouldn’t allow me leave a message. (In case you’re wondering, the area code for Gatesville is 254). The owner rents out the sign for about $75 per day, and it’s possible that one of the local churches paid for this message, the resident said.
“Ignorance is absolutely appalling!” she said. “I hope this photo can be used to raise awareness that hate is alive and well deep in the heart of Texas.”rjgbhfqnthреклама в социальных сетях статьи