Waterpalooza memories: Balloon nightmares — and not wet dreams
Last year at this time may have been a defining moment for me on the Dallas Voice editorial staff. I was convinced that I could take one for theteam by joining our Gryffindors for Heatwave Waterpalooza team, the water balloon dodgeball tourney, which returns this Saturday. That defined me all right. As a couch potato. The Couch Potato Adventure Journal began that week as I set about ways to take the lazy way out of preparing and/or partaking in physical activities (or as I like to call it, “the path of least calories”). I wrote up my training log and got advice from local athletes and colleagues and then found myself getting pummeled with practice water balloons by a colleague while my editor took pictures. It bordered on torture porn.
For me, anyway.
Come that hot Saturday afternoon, I felt prepared and was going to prove myself as one of the DV team in more ways than one. That is until our asses were handed to us in quick fashion by the Woody’s softball jocks, pictured. However, to this day, I challenge the referee’s call who ruled me out. I caught that balloon and then it dropped. Swear.

— Rich Lopez

DEETS: Station 4 parking lot, 3911 Cedar Springs Road. July 24 at noon (registration at 10 a.m.). Registration fees $20–$25 (individual) to $100–$125 (team). LifeWalk.org.