Joe and I post a lot on Twitter, and a lot of it – most of it – is stuff we don’t post on the blog. So, if you can’t get enough of us, or would like even more political tidbit, make sure you follow us. We have a few different accounts:

@aravosis – this is my personal account. I tweet only a few things from the blog, most of the content is original stuff I write, or interesting things that other bloggers and journalists, and just interesting people, have tweeted.

@joesudbay – this is Joe’s personal account. Again, he writes original stuff and retweets stuff he finds around Twitter.

@AMERICAblog – this is the RSS feed for our main site. You won’t miss a post if you subscribe to this.

@AMERICAblogGay – this is the RSS feed to our gay news site. Again, it’s usually only our posts on the gay blog, though sometimes we jump in with personal stuff.

And our writers too!

@JackiSchechner – Jacki Schechner
@Gaius_Publius – Gaius Publius
@LITSeaver – Nick Seaver
@paulhogarth – Paul Hogarth
@cowboyneok – Timothy Beauchamp