Adrianna Krajnovic is a Hockaday student who called me last week to tell me about Flamingo Preschool, the school her parents run, and a very special event the run. She asked me to invite our readers with kids.

“For almost a year, they’ve hosted free, large-scale Story Times at Whole Foods Markets at Cityline Richardson and Park Lane Dallas,” she wrote me in an email.

They draw more than 100 children and parents, she said, “fostering a positive and inclusive environment. Imagine this: energetic teachers reading stories with engaging puppets, kids participating in fun baking activities for, and a joyous dance party to top it off!”

Find more details on Instagram —@flamingopreschool

The video link can be found here.

Adrianna told me she believes Flamingo Preschool’s goal of enriching the Richardson and DFW community aligns perfectly with the values of Dallas Voice.

The next Story Time is on May 18th at 11 a.m. at Whole Foods Cityline Richardson.

— David Taffet