Conversion therapy is the dangerous and abusive practice of trying to change someone’s sexual orientation and is banned in 20 states because of the higher rates of suicide of those who have been exposed to this harmful “treatment.” Brian and Colman sit down this week with Jessica Ritter, a survivor of conversion therapy and ambassador for Born Perfect. Jessica shares her story of what she experienced in conversion therapy and how she overcame the self-loathing that is part of the lie.

Jessica Ritter is the Texas ambassador for Born Perfect and a conversion therapy survivor.  After three years of conversion therapy, Jessica came out to her friends and family for a second time.

Since coming out, Jessica has been forced to sever her relationship with her immediate family. However, with the help of a real therapist, she has been able to create a strongly-knit chosen family made up of extended family, her girlfriend and friends. Today, Jessica is a successful professional and surrounded by more love and acceptance than she ever thought possible.

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