I’ve really enjoyed Scene, the restaurant in Downtown’s Mosaic loft building from chef Blaine Staniford. At least I did until it closed suddenly two weeks ago. Now comes word from Staniford that his and partner Michael Bratcher have also left their other Downtown eatery, the wonderful Fuse (which has often hosted gay happy hours). Fuse will remain open — without Blaine, who assures me the duo are working on new concepts.
Until then, there are two new restaurants open in One Arts Plaza: Scott Jones’s Screen Door and Paul Pinnell’s Dali Wine Bar. You can read my reviews this week here.
And Stephan Pyles is helping to redo the menu at 1717, the luncheon spot inside the DMA. I’m checking it out next week and will have a report in a future issue.сайтинструменты продвижения в интернете