The owners of the Dallas Eagle just issued the following statement:

The problems at the Dallas Eagle on Friday night, July 10, 2009, were predicated on misinformation, and/or lack thereof, we received from the agent we had hired to expedite our licensing process. Regardless, the permits were not in order; and we take full responsibility for this. We would like to apologize to or customers, our employees, and the community at large.  We would also like to extend our sincere apologies to the employees at TABC and the Dallas Police Department for the adverse press they have had to endure for simply doing their duty.  Neither of these agencies, in any way harassed or threatened us. Their behavior throughout was polite and organized. They were acting on a compliant, which by law, they are required to do.  Sadly, we were informed these calls were placed by a competitor. The calls were placed through Austin (for TABC) and through the District Attorney’s office here (for DPD) indicating someone with well placed connections. Once again, this was a licensing error on our part, nothing more.
On a broader note, it is enough that our community has to deal with discrimination on a daily basis without having to worry about elements within our own community.  This, to our minds, is the real story here.
We thank all of you for your love and support.
We are open for business at the old location until ALL appropriate documentation is in hand.
The Owners of the Dallas Eagle

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