
Brokeback Perry

Two pieces of Rick Perry news today: His portrait was unveiled at the Capitol in Austin. And Perry endorsed Donald Trump today.
Perry’s portrait now hangs on the first floor in the rotunda just two pictures away from Ann Richards. They’ll be separated only by Gov. George Bush.
While endorsing Trump, Perry said he’d consider the vice presidential spot on a Trump ticket.  And why not? He’d balance the ticket well. They both have real estate. Trump has Trump Tower. Perry has his hunting camp Ni***rhead.
Trump made New Yorkers look like idiots. Perry, well, he succeeded a governor who already did that for Texas, but he enhanced the image a great deal.
Perry once called Trump a cancer on the Republican Party and a “false prophet.” “A man too arrogant, too self-absorbed, to seek God’s forgiveness is precisely the type of leader John Adams prayed would never occupy the White House,” Perry said about Trump in a speech last summer.
Here’s one of Perry’s most entertaining quotes about the man he endorsed: “Donald Trump is the modern-day incarnation of the ‘Know Nothing’ movement.”
Hello pot? Kettle calling.
So, we look forward to a Trump-Perry ticket. Dumb and Dumber bumper stickers already being printed.