A spirited Mexican-Irish hybrid. North Texas native Francis McDougall IV mixes kitsch with kitchens

Francis_FNL_1MARK STOKES  | Illustrator

Name and age: Francis McDougall IV, 24.

Occupation: Cook.

Spotted at: Lemmon and Throckmorton.

Born in Euless to an Irish father and a Mexican mother, Francis carries on his family name as the fourth in his line. This self-sufficient Aries moved to Dallas at 19 and has been on the go ever since.

What’s cookin’: Francis’ interest in cooking has blossomed into a career as a restaurant cook. His father was a manager at Luby’s and young Francis would hang around his dad’s kitchen, rolling out rolls and decorating cakes. He loves to cook Mexican dishes, especially grilled chicken tacos; quinoa is a favorite side dish. He prefers his food spicy! Francis admits cooking professionally is “a young man’s game.” He says it takes a certain kind of person to do this back-breaking, hard work which can sometimes be dangerous. (“My knife skills have improved.”)

Francis has a special relationship with his mother, whom he calls his best friend. He says he’s been picking out his mother’s clothes since he was a kid, so coming out wasn’t an issue with his family. Even his extended family has been accepting since he came out at 18. Fashion and cosmetics have always been an interest for Francis from an early age, and he has performed in drag as Francheska.

When he’s not working (his two jobs keeps him very occupied), he enjoys working out and spending time with his family (he loves to paint his niece’s nails). One of his future goals is to create an organization to aid the homeless, feed them, clean them up, give them decent clothes and help them find employment to become more independent.

A favorite quote: “If I can do this, I can do anything. If I can do anything, I can do this.”

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 29, 2014.