If you’re going to resort to stereotypes in order to cruelly slight the brave men and women who serve in the armed forces while gay, then at the very least, please update your references:

“Maybe we could have an all-gay service! They’d be allowed to wear camouflage neckerchiefs (a la Paul Lynde) and camo capri pants. To avoid any sexual harassment claims, they’d have to have their own barrack, which we could outfit with a dance club, a cosmo bar and a counseling center called “The Awkward Place.” Their band would mostly play show tunes, and soldiers captured by the enemy would be taught to reveal only their name, rank and seasonal color analysis (“I am Private First Class Jeffrey Smith, and I’m a ‘winter.'”)” [SOURCE]

Seriously — Paul Lynde and seasonal color analysis? What next, A.C.: Scathing mention of hanky codes, Bella Abzug, and that hot young comic Billy Crystal from the edgy sitcom “Soap”?

But then again, it is support for military bias we’re talking about here. Anachronism seems a fitting literary tool.


*UPDATE: DADT vote will not be tonight, as expected. Now scheduled for tomorrow.

Good As You