Residential street in Oak Lawn during the ice storm. One car seems to have made it down the street. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)

After about an inch of ice covered the ground overnight, Dallas has come to a standstill.

In Oak Lawn, everything is eerily quiet. Cars aren’t moving. DART trains aren’t running. But most disconcerting, Love Field is basically closed. Southwest Airlines has canceled all flights for the day. Alaska and Delta airlines have canceled most flights for the day. That means that the 6:25 a.m. flight that roars overhead … I mean gently purrs overhead … waking up most Oak Lawn residents was grounded.

To get out of my house, I needed a hammer to open my gate that was frozen shut.

Temperatures are expected to remain mostly below freezing until Sunday morning. Keep your faucets dripping to try to avoid frozen pipes. Keep your fingers crossed that the grid holds up and we can stay warm indoors. And most important (this is directed especially at Dallas Voice Publisher Leo Cusimano) stay off the roads.

By the way, we finished this week’s paper on Wednesday evening. We got it to the printer last night. Hopefully, it’ll be on the street on Friday. But you’ll find us online Friday morning.

— David Taffet