I love campaign season. The period leading up to elections can be terribly stressful for many of us, but it can also be tremendously rewarding. I am in western New York right now, where we are working hard every day to make marriage equality a reality here in the Empire State. The results of the upcoming elections will play a huge part in making this all possible, and the volunteers that have given their time this fall know how important it is to let everyone know that fact.

One of the most exciting things about our work here in New York is that I have been able to work very closely with my colleague and friend, HRC Regional Field Organizer Christine Sloan – despite the fact that she is over 400 miles away, working in our nation’s capitol. Christine has been working hard in D.C., organizing our D.C. based volunteers there to call our members here in New York to get them fired up about marriage equality in the state. The work that Christine and our outstanding HRC volunteers in D.C. have done has played a big part in mobilizing our membership from the Big Apple to the Great Lakes, from Long Island to the Capital Region and everywhere in between.

Regional Field Organizer Christine Sloan hard at work at our offices in D.C.

If you want to know more about the Campaign for NY Marriage, visit our website, where you can learn about which candidates we have endorse, upcoming events in the state, how you can help and more.

If you’re in the western New York area and interested in meeting other HRC members and volunteering on a strong, pro-equality campaign, please contact Regional Field Organizer David Contreras Turley at 202.330.3790 for more information.

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