Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax, “after consultation with the Dallas Police Chief and City Council,” has signed an order lifting the curfew in central Dallas, effective today (Saturday, June 6).

In a press release emailed shortly after noon today, Broadnax said, “We’ve seen many moving and peaceful protests over the last few days, some of which I joined. We heard feedback from residents ready to open and conduct business in central Dallas and we agree it’s time. The City of Dallas and the Dallas Police Department continue to respect and protect the rights of peaceful demonstrators. We must also remember we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and Dallas residents are safest at home.”

Broadnax also “strongly urged” residents “not to take matters into their own hands and to call 9-1-1 if they see any violence, destruction of personal property, vandalism or other criminal mischief.”

— Tammye Nash