
Looking presidential in her blue pantsuit, Cece Cox kicks off her presidential campaign

In response to that woman from Dallas who’s the self-proclaimed CEO who thinks women shouldn’t be president because of, you know, hormones, the Dallas Observer named “Five Kickass Women Who Could Totally Be President.”
Not on the list is the woman CEO who has a company of 1 who thinks women shouldn’t be president because of hormones.
However, topping the Dallas Observer’s list is Cece Cox, CEO of Resource Center, who is unconcerned with hormones. Great choice.
Among her credentials, Cox wore a blue pantsuit to Resource Center’s groundbreaking ceremony earlier today. Her exploratory committee took hours today to study whether she should run for president. Cox agreed this morning that, if elected, I’d be her press secretary. Sorry Rafael, Resource Center’s current press secretary, but I drive a hard bargain. To keep me from jumping from Team Cox to Angela’s Angels, I needed a quick commitment.
Second on the list is Angela Hunt. Best known as a thorn in Mayor Mike Rawlings’ side when she served as District 14 councilwoman, Hunt singlehandedly stood in the way of bulldozers and stopped the Trinity Toll Road from being built. The Angela Hunt Hill Bridge that crosses the Mighty Trin is the city’s lasting memorial to her service to the city.
Another great choice of a Dallas woman who could totally be president is Catherine Cuellar. You probably know her best from her KERA days, but today she’s CEO of the Dallas Arts District. That means she’s the boss of art, sculpture, symphony, chorale, ballet, theater and lots of parking spaces. Catherine, I can still be bought. Secretary of State?
The final choices are Matrice Ellis-Kirk, who has been Dallas’ first lady, and Charlotte Jones-Anderson, who chairs the NFL Foundation. I’m sure Ms. Jones-Anderson is a great choice, but I’m not sure what to think of a former first lady running for president.