Come Out for Cancer Co-Chairs Clint Thomson, left and David Putnam, right, with emcee Scott Padgett at the event thatxraised $100,000 for the American Cancer Society. (Courtesy of 2nd2Nunn Photography and the American Cancer Society)

The American Cancer Society hosted its annual Come Out Against Cancer this past weekend at Hotel Lorenzo. Scott Padgett from CBS Texas emceed the event. Clint Thomson and David Putnam were the event co-chairs.

The event was created to help raise awareness in the LGBTQ community which is disproportionately burdened with risk factors for cancer and screening disparities in detecting the disease, experiencing obstacles to preventions, detection, treatment and survival due to complex systemic factors. Reducing cancer disparities and advancing health equity is an overarching goal of American Cancer Society.

The event raised more than $100,000.

— David Taffet