Sound and vision meet at innovative ‘Coastlines’ exhibit

Dallas Museum of Art

Broken into five galleries, each with its own theme — “Coastal Labor, Seaside Leisure,” “The Bather: Myth and Modernity,” “From the Particular to the Universal” — “Coastlines” includes works by Edward Hopper, John Marin and Catherine Opie. The art itself ranges from your usual landscapes to abstract paintings to modern photography, but all are grouped in a nice flow that give the themes weightiness, not pretension.
What makes the exhibit exciting though is the sound installation accompanying the galleries. Dufour and students from the University of Texas—Dallas’ Arts and Technology Program (along with students from the France’s Universite du Sud Toulon-Var) have added sound to an art exhibit that punctuates each gallery’s theme. This collaboration is a first for the DMA.
Read the entire review here.
DEETS: Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N. Harwood Road. Through Aug. 22. $10.