
Christian lobbyist Jack Burkman

Christian lobbyist Jack Burkman had launched a boycott against the St. Louis Rams, because they drafted gay player Michael Sam, and Visa, because they signed Sam to an advertising contract.

Burkman said the boycott will teach companies not to trample Christian values.

“Visa and the Rams will learn that when you trample the Christian community and Christian values, there will be a terrible financial price to pay,” Burkman said.

Burkman also wrote a bill that would sponsor openly gay players from major league sports unless a team “provides facilities for homosexual players that are separate and distinct from those facilities for other players.”

That’s actually quite thoughtful when you think about it. While other players just get a locker, the gay player gets a whole closet. Oh, wait. Maybe that’s not a good idea.

The bill’s going nowhere. Not only is the bill going nowhere, but neither is the boycott. For every fan the Rams lost, they’ve suddenly attracted a national following. By Monday, Sam’s NFL jersey was the top-seller in the league. After ticket sales and parking revenue, sports apparel is one of a team’s top moneymakers.

And good luck with his Visa boycott. Let all his followers give up their credit cards.

So let’s hear it for Burkman and his wonderful display of Christian family values. Oh, I forgot to mention Burkman’s brother is gay.