TV, movies and books — oh my!

Hello my beautiful people! I’m not sure where this article is going today. So let’s just see where my mind takes us.

By now you all know I watch way too much television. But I feel that I need to know a little bit about a lot of things, so I try to make sure that I have a variety of interests in a variety of shows to keep me mentally super-charged. I watch the news every day — local and national — even though, half of the time, it frustrates and depresses me.

My weakness is reality show competitions. I still watch Survivor religiously, even though some seasons I can’t find anyone I wanna root for. But I can always find someone I want to root against! Plus, it never fails that the second I start to root for someone hard, they get eliminated — i.e., Hunter, this season.

The past two seasons of The Amazing Race have been some of my favorite seasons — lots of likeable couples. Last season had a deaf father with a cute son. The way they communicated with each other and cheered each other on was so uplifting. This season has an adorable gay couple, Ricky and Cesar. They are both bearded and a little thick, a little bear-ish — not your typical TV gays but a great representation of our community.

The thing I love about the show is they have not shied away from showing the two of them showing affection for each other. They have been doing great in the competition, and they have shown them kiss many times. That might not seem like a big deal to some, but just the simple act of showing the smallest kiss normalizes us to people that maybe never encounter gays.

I am sure it is upsetting so many folks, and I am SO okay with that. But for every single asshole that loses his mind over the simple act of a small kiss between two men in a committed relationship, there is a very young gay kid that sees that and feels less alone and maybe more normal.

The episode a few weeks ago showed them kiss three times — in one episode! They said, “I love you” to each other, twice. It filled my heart with such joy; I am literally sitting here now, smiling.

Of course, since I am rooting for them they probably won’t last much longer. I hope the curse of who I root for doesn’t get them. Fingers crossed because I would love to see them win.

I also watch a lot of movies. If we — my husband and I — don’t see the movie in the theater, I can guarantee that he won’t “watch” the movie to my standards. I am a bit of a bitch when it comes to watching a movie.

If we watch a movie at home, he will be on his phone, then, when something happens and he wasn’t paying attention, he will say, “Wait, what?” And I will have to rewind or explain what he missed through clenched teeth.

Or he will say, “Pause it; I haveta pee.” Or worse, he will fall asleep. Yes, I know that it is not that big of a deal, and if that is my biggest annoyance, then we are doing pretty good.

But if we know one thing about me, it’s that I get annoyed a lot. It is part of my charming personality.

Last week we saw the first real summer blockbuster of the year, The Fall Guy. I absolutely loved it. It was funnier than I thought it would be. The action was over the top and ridiculous. Emily Blunt is one of my favorite actresses, and Ryan Gosling is, well, Ryan Gosling.

When I was a kid, my mom and I loved the series The Fall Guy with Lee Majors. My mom had a crush on him, and, looking back now, I think I did, too. How could you not? He was The Six Million Dollar Man!

Ryan Gosling has said that The Fall Guy is a love letter to the stunt men, past and present, and it really was. During the credits they showed many of the behind-the-scenes shots of the actual stunts from the movie. They deserve their own category at the Academy Awards. You have to be a special kind of crazy to be a stunt man.

Book-wise, I am powering through Stephen King’s Insomnia. Y’all know I love me some King, but this one has been a struggle to get through. It’s the opposite of insomnia; it is putting me to sleep. But I am a loyal, constant reader, and I will get through this.

I am excited for his new book, You Like It Darker, that comes out May 21. It is a collection of four short stories, novellas — whatever you call them. One is called Rattlesnakes and is apparently kind of a sequel to Cujo. That is very interesting to me.

You know, in the book Cujo, they kill off the kid. It makes for a much darker read.

In the book Misery, Annie Wilks doesn’t just break Paul Sheldon’s ankles with a sledgehammer, that bitch cuts off his foot and cauterizes it with a blow torch. (I guess I shoulda said “spoiler alert.”)

Okay, no more spoilers for now. Remember to always love more, bitch less and be fabulous! XOXO, Cassie Nova