I just got a note from a friend (straight) who works at a school district in the ‘burbs (I won’t say which — for now) who wanted to look up something on DallasVoice.com.
No such luck.
“Adult lifestyles” popped up the message when the friend tried to type in the URL.
As we all know, being gay is already an alternative “lifestyle” — also being “adult,” apparently, is a no-go for teens.Can’t have them or their teachers learning anything racy … like my story about the Dallas Theater Center’s production of Shakespeare (kissing! fairies? forfend!) or my review of the Dallas Opera’s Otello (interracial dating?! I don’t THINK so!). OK, so maybe an interview with adult film actor Colton Ford is a little adult-specific, but still: Why a blanket ban on the entire Web site? Don’t kids deserve to learn about gay people, too?сайтрегистрация в rambler каталоге