Wy Flag LComing soon to a Wyoming near you:

State Rep. Owen Petersen of (R-Mountain View) and State Sen. Curt Meier (R-LaGrange) are taking the initiative to reevaluate the state’s definition of marriage. The two lawmakers plan to co-sponsor a resolution at the 2011 General Session that would allow voters to decide whether or not the state should give constitutional authority to same-sex marriage.

In order for Petersen and Meier’s proposal to go on Wyoming’s next election ballot, as Prop. 8 did in California, it would require a two-thirds-majority vote and no government vetoes.

Meier to co-sponsor marriage resolution [Torrington Tellegram]

(H/t: Towle)

A threat to gays who are simply living their lives. Though also a threat to tourism officials with the Belle Fourche River, whose main selling point revolves around that aquatic body’s role as the state’s lowest point.

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