By Rich Lopez Staff Writer

Joe Pacetti and Scott Hebert forge a new jewelry line that shows diamonds can be a man’s best friend

RAZZLE DAZZLE: Joe Pacetti teamed with Scott Hebert, pictured, so that men could let go of the fear and embrace their inner bedazzled selves.

Jewelry can be a funny thing. Most women love the stuff, but for men — even metrosexuals and gay guys — it’s usually more of an acquired taste (save for a wedding band) than part of the daily wardrobe. For many, it’s not even an option.

But jeweler Joe Pacetti and his business partner, Scott Hebert, aren’t laughing. In fact, their newest line is serious about providing men with pizzazz around their neck and on their wrists without getting all foo-foo on them.

Pacetti has been designing and selling jewelry for 30 years, but his latest foray is his first official men’s line. His company has created an elegant line that is both masculine and versatile. Using high quality materials with unique, ornate designs, Pacetti’s latest pieces aren’t just accessories, they are small pieces of art.

What’s better, and perhaps most attractive, is they aren’t a strain on the wallet.

"Our look appeals to every man and even women, but we are also very affordable," says Hebert, a designer and sales director for the line.

That’s an understatement. A heavy sterling silver chain bracelet he displays is thick and ornate with a dragon’s head latch looks like it could easily live in the $700 neighborhood. Their price tag: $325. Additional pieces made with leather, onyx, diamonds, wood, pearls and all the other usual materials look far more expensive than their price. In impromptu fashion, two men approach Hebert and his vast but portable display case at a lunch spot and are transfixed.

"Man, you can’t find any other men’s jewelry like this," one says while fondling a chain link necklace.

Despite buyer’s caution in this economic climate, Pacetti and Hebert had no reluctance in beginning the line last month.

"People still want to buy stuff, they just aren’t going to buy a lot of overly expensive gold pieces," Hebert says.

The majority of jewelry is made of sterling silver, which Hebert says is a big seller. Trendy items also include cuffs and leather wristbands that transcend the feeling of typical jewelry into an actual extension of style.

Hebert sees the line as ecological as well —perhaps not green in the paper-versus-plastic sense, but he equates the earthiness of the materials to a very naturalistic foundation. This connects him to the vibe he has when communicating with a client.

"Everything is from nature; the corals, the wood, the diamonds and even the silver. It’s the soul of the earth. I can read people pretty well. I get very attached to the energies around me when I interact with customers," he says.

Which is a good thing since the concept for the line excludes selling their wares by storefront. They have a more direct and intimate approach to selling that is reminiscent of your mother’s old Tupperware parties.

"Having a store would just increase costs. Selling through another store would also make prices go up because of profit margins," Hebert says. Instead, he brings all the bangles and bracelets to your home. Hebert’s team sets up the displays of necklaces, rings and more and even provides refreshments. All the host does is provide a place and invite over his friends over for a night of bedazzlement.

"It’s a fun way to present it, and as far as I know, we’re the only one featuring men’s jewelry this way," Hebert says.

Will Kolb will host his own later this month. "I was really excited to do it. I’m a big jewelry person," he says. "I really like that it’s casual and formal enough to wear anywhere. That really spoke to me."

And speaking to the customer is crucial.

"We design and produce only items that we would wear. We’re happy when a customer is satisfied," Hebert says. However satisfaction can also be found for the designers in their community service. They have committed proceeds from all their sales to local and national organizations to give back.

"This company is not about being bigger. It gives us a sense of being to be part of the community and if Joe’s involvement with a several non-profits is helping somebody else in the end, then we’ve done our job," Hebert says.

But really, wouldn’t they have just an inkling of proud satisfaction if one of those "not-an-option" fellows donned a ring?

"Men are afraid to look good," Hebert says. "We just say, ‘let it go!’"

The line can be viewed at Chi Studio Gallery, 807 Fletcher St. July 17 at 7 p.m.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition July 10, 2009.реклама на яндекс директзаказ продвижения сайта