Your weekday morning blend from Instant Tea:

1. A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit that sought to block Texas Gov. Rick Perry from participating in or promoting his Aug. 6 day of prayer on the grounds that his involvement violates the separation of church and state. The group of atheists and agnostics that filed the lawsuit, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, says it may appeal Thursday’s decision. Meanwhile, a DV poll over on our main page (lower right) shows that 70 percent of respondents believe Perry’s involvement with the event is in fact a violation of the first amendment’s establishment clause.

2. In anticipation of the end of “don’t ask, don’t tell” in September, a leading advocacy group has published a legal guide for gay servicemembers who’ll be serving openly post-DADT. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network also launched a redesigned website reflecting a shift in the group’s focus. “The work of advancing military equality marches forward after repeal,” SLDN Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis said in a press release. “At SLDN, we will fight alongside those who may face harassment or discrimination as we oversee implementation; when necessary and timely, litigate in the courts to bring about full LGBT equality in America’s military; advocate for legally married service members to receive the same benefits as their straight counterparts; and assist veterans to correct or upgrade their discharge paperwork.”

3. The nation is split 50 percent to 46 percent over whether marriage equality in New York is a good thing, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Check out the breakdown of the poll results below.