Gov. Rick Perry

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a GOP presidential candidate, has signed an anti-gay marriage pledge from the National Organization for Marriage, the Associated Press reports. By signing the pledge, Perry has vowed to support a federal constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage throughout the country; defend the Defense of Marriage of Act in court; appoint judges and a U.S. attorney general who “will respect the original meaning” of the U.S. Constitution; support legislation allowing D.C. residents to vote on whether to overturn the district’s same-sex marriage law; and appoint a presidential commission to “investigate harassment of traditional marriage supporters.”

Although Perry’s decision to sign the NOM pledge comes as no surprise whatsoever to us, the AP writes that it “repudiat[es] his earlier comments that marriage rights should be left up to individual states.” For a recap of all that, go here.

Other Republican presidential candidates who’ve signed the NOM pledge include Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Check out Bachmann’s signed copy below:

UPDATE: Brian Brown, president of NOM, issued the following statement about Perry’s decision to sign the pledge:

“Kudos to Gov. Rick Perry for making it clear: he’s a marriage champion. The purpose of NOM’s Marriage Pledge is to move from vague values statements to concrete actions to protect marriage. Gov. Perry joins Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum as a signer of NOM Marriage Pledge. By doing so, Perry makes crystal clear that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, gay marriage is going to be a bigger issue in 2012 than it was in 2008, because the difference between the GOP nominee and Pres. Obama is going to be large and clear. We look forward to demonstrating that being for marriage is a winning position for a presidential candidate.”