I trust Blue Hampshire over a NH GOP leader any day. Yesterday, the GOP House Majority Leader appeared to indicate that repealing the state’s same-sex marriage law wasn’t on their agenda.

Anti-gay leaders are “undaunted” and seem pretty sure they’ll be getting their vote, according to the Boston Globe.

And, elwood at Blue Hampshire dissected what was — and wasn’t — said:

[Speaker Bill ]O’Brien and [Majority Leader D.J.]Bettancourt:

* Have NOT committed to “retaining” any social issues bills until 2012;
* Have NOT said that Committee chairs have been instructed to vote against these bills;
* Have NOT said the the leadership will provide cover to legislators against Tea Party wrath (you’ve noticed that tea party activists oppose gay marriage, right?) by publicly opposing these bills;
* Have NOT even said that votes on these bill will be entirely up to the conscience of the legislator, with no pressure from leadership.

There is nothing at all behind this announcement, except a desire to get the spotlights off themselves.

The homophobes want their vote. Seems like GOP leaders will eventually give it to them. In other words, the Majority Leader probably lied yesterday.