Five members of the Dallas City Council led a bike ride from Main Street Garden to Dallas City Hall this morning to highlight the city’s commitment to continuing construction of bike paths and bike lanes throughout the city.

Plans call for more than 1,000 miles of lanes and paths for bikes, with about 35 miles of that is currently under construction. Money has already been approved to extend the Trinity Strand Trail into Oak Lawn from Infomart to the Medical District.

More than 50 people rode with council members Dwaine Caraway, Jennifer Staubach Gates, Philip Kingston, Lee Kleinman and Adam Medrano. Councilman Scott Griggs — who was supposed to bring the doughnuts and coffee — joined the group for a press conference at City Hall. Thanks Scott.

Kleinman rode the farthest, coming from his Far North Dallas district. Kingston rode in a suit. Gates showed off her helmet hair and Caraway said his butt was still too big for his bike seat, but he has lost 35 pounds recently from bike riding.