Saturday 11.29


Theatre Britain goes camp with its Christmas panto of  ‘Beauty & the Beast’

Theatre Britain revives its Christmas tradition: The annual English panto — a play that’s part musical, part comedy, part children’s entertainment and very, very campy. As always, there’s a “dame” — the frivolous female played by a man in drag. In this case its the teapot from Beauty and the Beast, played this time out by Ivan Jones, pictured. He’ll join the rest of the cast in this spirited, family-friendly (but unexpectedly naughty) taste of fun from across the pond.

Cox Building Playhouse,
1517 H Avenue, Plano.
Nov. 29–Dec. 28 (opening performance at  2:30 p.m. on Nov. 29).

Friday 11.28


‘Nutcracker’ returns to Winspear, Bass Hall for multiple shows

There is perhaps no more iconic ballet — especially one so closely associated with the holiday season — than Tchikovsky’s The Nutcracker. This timeless classic about young Clara and her adventures in a world where toys come to life has drama, romance, comedy and of course a classic Late Romantic score. As has been its policy in recent years, Fort Worth-based Texas Ballet Theater will perform Sir Ben Stevenson’s staging both in Dallas’ Winspear Opera House and then move over to Cowtown for a series at Bass Hall.

Winspear Opera House,
2403 Flora St. Nov. 28–Dec. 7.
Bass Performance Hall, 525 Commerce St., Fort Worth.
Dec. 12–27.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition November 28, 2014