Get your onesies on then head to JR.’s Bar and Grill on Monday, Dec. 4, to get your freak on with Cassie Nova’s Annual Freakmas Show, starting at 9 p.m. There will be drag and raffles and drag and auctions and onesies and drag and elves and … and who knows what else! Surely Santa will show up, too, at some point. And it is all for a good cause, with proceeds benefitting the Secret Santa Program of the Personalized Learning Preparatory at Sam Houston Elementary School.


Jada Pinkette Fox (aka Lee Walter) stars in Jada Bells, the Holiday Musical Extravaganza, written especially for Jada and Uptown Players by B.J. Anderson, who also directs. The show opens Friday, Dec. 1, at Kalita Humphreys Theater.