Friday 05.18 — Sunday 06.17

Taylor Mac’s gender- and genre-mixing comedy ‘Hir’ opens at Stage West

A disgraced and traumatized soldier returns from a war zone, where he collected human remains from the battlefield, only to discover his family has become even more outrageous than his military adventures: His sister is transitioning to his brother, his father has become addled by a stroke … and that’s the good news. Queer playwright Taylor Mac is known for his subversive, genre-defying comedies, and Hir, which opens as a regional premiere at Stage West this weekend, is no exception. The cast features Bob Hess, Cara Statham Serber, Blake McNamara and genderfluid actor Zander Pryor and is directed by Garret Storms.

DEETS: Stage West,
821 W. Vickery Blvd. Fort Worth. $31–$35.

Tuesday 05.22 — Sunday 05.27

‘Jersey Boys’ returns for a one-week engagement at the Winspear

The original Broadway production of Jersey Boys had one of the longest runs in theater history, racking up 4,642 performances, four Tony Awards and countless fans. It was an unlikely hit with critics as well, shedding light on the doo-wop group The Four Seasons and revealing, unexpectedly, how most of the groups lyrics were written by a gay music producer, Bob Crewe. The national tour returns to Dallas this week, for eight performances only. It’s a hoot-and-a-half — a musical you can enjoy with mom and dad or anyone else.

DEETS: Winspear Opera House,
2403 Flora St.


Friday 05.18 — Sunday 05.20

An embarrassment of riches for North Texas foodies

Foodies often look forward to food-and-drink festivals, but North Texans have access to two of them this weekend, so better plan ahead! From Friday through Sunday, both the Dallas-based Savor festival and the Addison-centric Taste Addison pull out all the stops to delight your palates with an assortment of local chefs, purveyors and beverage experts. Savor includes reserve and grand tastings, and Taste Addison is outdoors with live music and tons of tastes. Consult the websites for each to see a full line-up of locations, schedules and prices.

DEETS: Savor at
Taste Addison at