
David Berryman

Michael Doughman, executive director of the Dallas Tavern Guild, has just released the following statement:

Recently, during our annual budget review, the Dallas Tavern Guild discovered some financial improprieties had occurred and examination showed that David Berryman, the assistant director of the Dallas Tavern Guild, had committed these financial improprieties. Mr. Berryman has confessed fully to these actions and immediate steps are being taken to claim full restitution for the actions. Effective immediately, Mr. Berryman has been terminated from the Dallas Tavern Guild. 

The membership has met to discuss this issue and have immediately created new processes and procedures to ensure a more secure and fiscally responsible checks and balances, including quarterly financial reviews and an annual audit to assure that this situation does not happen again. All Dallas Tavern Guild business will proceed without interruption, as we move forward in not only managing this incident but continuing to serve our community and our charities.