Michael Spann and Bennett Cunningham
Michael Spann and Bennett Cunningham

Michael Spann, the partner of CBS 11 investigative reporter Bennett Cunningham, sent along word today that Cunningham’s latest piece — about the Texas Alcholic Beverage Commission, of all things — is scheduled to air at 10 tonight. I’ve been hearing rumblings about this piece for weeks, so it’ll probably be worth a look. To read about Spann, Cunningham and their two new babies, go here.
Speaking of the TABC, the Rainbow Lounge is on the commission’s agenda for its monthly meeting on Tuesday in Austin, although agency spokeswoman Carolyn Beck told me today she’s not sure what aspect of the raid or investigation commissioners plan to discuss. The agenda item says “Rainbow Lounge Completed Investigation,” which indicates that they may talk about TABC’s recent report on policy violations related to the raid. Beck said today that disciplinary action against the employees involved in the raid is still pending, and that the agency’s investigation into its agents’ use of force during the raid is still ongoing, which would seem to rule out those two subjects. As always, stay tuned.продающие тексты этоплан раскрутки сайта