When I spoke with BearDance co-founder Mark Trimble for this story, we got to talking about how the normally TBRU dance event will evolve into something bigger. And why not? The guys know how to raise some big bucks for local nonprofits. They made a healthy donation to the Dallas Bears, which in turn, doled out the money to their beneficiaries.

On Facebook last week, the BD guys announced and invited people to the SwitchParty BearDance at, of all places, Sue Ellen’s, during Pride weekend. How are the ladies gonna like that? Don’t worried, they’ve got it covered, according to this explanation on their event post:

BearDance is bringing back DJ Blaine to spin for a hopping dance party on Friday of Dallas Pride Weekend, September 16th. BearDance is partnering with Caven Enterprises to sponsor this SwitchParty, so the bears are getting Sue Ellen’s and the girls get live music back at TMC. Come out, dance, and socialize with all the bears, cubs, otters, daddies, musclebears and friends as we mix things up, take back the dance floor, and trade spaces with the girls! As always, this non-profit event has a charitable component and the $15 cover charge proceeds at the BearDance will be going to AIDS Arms.

You got some time to plan. Mark your calendars for Sept 16. at 9 p.m.