I saw a story about Beatrice Arthur online today, and as it dealt with a Golden Girl, of course I had to read it. The piece is largely just a standard biography of the Emmy- and Tony-winning actress — Maude, Golden Girls, Mame — but it also observes that Arthur was a Marine during WWII, and worked as a truck driver.
Certainly this comes as no surprise to anyone reading this. Except Arthur herself denies ever being in the Marine Corps.
Well sort of. In this clip from a video interview, she changes the subject and sidesteps any military service, jumping to two years after the war ended and her pursuit of acting. But look at the ID photo. I can see Dorothy there.
Arthur died in 2009. The last surviving cast mate of the Golden Girls is Betty White. But picture it: Brooklyn, 1943.
Sophia would be proud.

Arnold Wayne Jones