

For a while, Avenue Q seemed like one of those shows that wouldn’t die — not that that’s a bad thing. It began a typical six-week run in the summer of 2012 at the Theatre Too space in Dallas, but was such a hit it was renewed three times, finally closing around Thanksgiving of that year. Then the folks at Theatre 3 brought it back last spring, and again this past fall, when it had its final curtain.

But only in Dallas, it turns out. The entire creative team — director Michael Serrecchia, puppet designers Michael Robinson and Pix Smith, and the original cast (including, pictured, Robinson, James Chandler, Megan Kelly Bates and Matt Purvis) — have reunited for a final (they say) six-week engagement. This time, however, it’s the folks on the other side of the Trinity who are hosting it. Fort Worth’s Stage West is now the venue, which will require a few tweaks to the production: The Theatre Too space was tiny and almost in-the-round; Stage West offers a proscenium stage which has required some new blocking and, according to Robinson, a new style.

But the really important thing is simply that anyone who missed this production — one of my favorites in 2012 — will get a final chance to see it … or even see it again. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with horny gay puppets? It’s like a Friday night at JR.’s, only with more singing.

— Arnold Wayne Jones

Stage West, 821 W. Vickery Blvd., Fort Worth. Through Feb. 15.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 10, 2014.