Author: Shawn Weston

The Houston 'It-Getters'

Annise Parker with partner Kathy Hubbard (left, in glasses) and  daughters Marquitta and Daniela (right) On Saturday night, I was in Houston covering the Houston mayor’s race. The room was packed with supporters who...

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Parker declares victory

Annise Parker on stage declaring victory Annise Parker declared victory to an adoring crowd. Although she did not make an issue of her sexual orientation during the campaign, in her speech, she said, “This election has changed...

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Dallas Voice declares Parker the winner

With almost 70 percent of the vote counted, out lesbian Annise Parker has taken a commanding lead in the Houston mayoral runoff. She has 54 percent of the vote and Dallas Voice is declaring her the winner. Other news outlets in...

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Equality Texas in Houston supporting Parker

Paul Scott Paul Scott, executive director of Equality Texas, has been in Houston working for Annise Parker’s campaign. Scott said, “Looks like it’s going to be a great night. I was down in headquarters and did some...

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