Author: Shawn Weston

New York Times on gay candidates

Sheriff Lupe Valdez Earlier this month, media from around the country and around the world expressed shock when Houston became the largest city in the world with a lesbian mayor. As the only member of the LGBT press at...

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A priest, a rabbi and a minister were having sex…

No, don’t click there. Your degree would be as valid as these creeps are I love hypocrites. Especially religious ones. Here are three stories from newspapers around the world this week. The minister From Fox News in...

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No end for 'gay tax' in Senate health care bill

When employers offer benefits such as health insurance, those benefits are not taxed. Unless you are gay or lesbian. The benefits given to the employee, gay or straight, are non-taxable. And when an employer extends those...

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FBI releases Michael Jackson file

Michael Jackson The FBI released Michael Jackson’s file, responding to a Freedom of Information Act request by several news organizations. Jackson died on June 25, 2009 at the age of 5o. Released were seven separate files...

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